New Delhi: Colors TV show Naagin 3 has been quite a hit since it started. Show has been topping the charts and no other shows have been able to replace it. A day before we told you about the upcoming twist in the show where Mahir (Pearl V Puri) will leave Bela (Surbhi Jyoti).

Some days back there was news of Naagin actress Pavitra Punia’s break-up with Paras Chhabra. Actress deleted all their PDA-filler pictures from social media.  Not just this, she also refused that she and Paras were in relationship and said that they are ‘just friends’.

But Parash Chhabra has admitted that they were dating and now has revealed the reason for breaking up.

Talking to India Forums, Paras said, “Yes, we broke up mutually. We were together for 5 months. You do take that much of time to get to know a person and we realised that we were not that compatible. Hence, we parted ways."

Well, that’s quite a revelation!

On a related note, Paras had earlier dated TV actress Ssara Khan while Pavitra was engaged to businessman, Sumit Maheshwari in October 2015 and they were even expected to tie the knot soon. But the actress broke up with her fiancé.