New Delhi: Popular reality show MTV Splitsvilla 11 aired its much-awaited grand finale on Sunday (February 3). The show, which hit the airwaves on August 5, is quite a hit among the youth. Shruti Sinha and Gaurav Alugh defeated Shagun Pandey& Samyuktha Hegde to become the winners of Splitsvilla 11.

The two couples competed in an interesting task where they had to name each other's priority among the options given. The finalists didn’t leave any stone unturned to win the show but in the end , the jodi of Shruti and Gaurav won the task and the show.

The eleventh season of Splitsvilla was hosted by Sunny Leone and Rannvijay Singha. The theme of the season was ‘Happily Ever After...Or Never After’.

MTV Splitsvilla follows a unique format where boys and girls are confined to a villa and they have to find their love. The contestants of the show are required to perform several tasks and there are high chances that a person’s partner may change over the course of the season.

We extend our heartiest congratulations to Shruti Sinha and Gaurav Alugh for winning MTV Splitsvilla 11.

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