New Delhi: After launching ‘Bahu Begum’ and ‘Ram Siya Ke Luv Kush’, Colors channel is all set to launch ‘Vidya’ next month. The social drama will star ‘Udaan’ fame Meera Deosthale and Namish Taneja. After playing the role of strong headed Chakor in ‘Udaan’ opposite Vijayendra Kumeria, Meera will essay the character of a teacher in ‘Vidya’. The show, which is being produced by Mahesh Pandey, will focus on the importance of education.

The first promo of ‘Vidya’, which was released on Independence Day 2019, gave us a glimpse of saree-clad Vidya who misspelled ‘Apple’ as ‘Apil’. The promo was enough to create anticipation among the viewers. Check it out!

The makers have released a new promo in which two students can be seen asking Vidya a question. The promo has revealed the time slot and launch date of ‘Vidya’ serial.

The upcoming drama will go on-air from September 9 at 7pm slot on Colors TV. With the launch of ‘Vidya’, ‘Khatra Khatra Khatra’ is expected to go back to its original time slot of 6pm slot.

Check out the new promo right here!

‘Vidya’ will also feature ‘Nazar’ actress and ‘Bigg Boss 10’ contestant Monalisa’s husband Vikrant Singh in a key role.

After quite some time, Colors TV is back with a social drama. The promo of ‘Vidya’ looks impressive and the show seems like a breath of fresh air on Indian television, which is currently dominated by supernatural shows, spin-offs or saas bahu dramas. The story, set in a village in Uttar Pradesh, will focus on a teacher, who struggles to teach her students.

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