New Delhi: After Avinash Sachdev, his ‘Main Bhi Ardhangini’ co-star Anjali Priya has also been bitten by the love bug. The beautiful actress, who is currently playing the role of Chitra in the recently launched show, is dating Rajat Taneja. The ‘Bhootu’ actress is dating the Mr World 2017 for the past six months. Anjali, who is playing a ghost in her show, plans to get engaged to Rajat soon.

READ- One year after his DIVORCE, Avinash Sachdev finds love again!

The ‘Maharan Pratap’ actress, while talking to an entertainment portal, revealed that she would tie the knot with her beau next year. The actress said that their love story began at the gym. Rajat, who is a fitness trainer, had proposed to Anjali, marking a beautiful start to their love story.

(Anjali as Chitra in Main Bhi Ardhangini)

‘’It is been more than six months that we have been seeing each other. The love story started at the gym. He sent me a message on Instagram asking for my contact number. We later started chatting and he insisted that I meet him. For a while, I kept delaying, but my sister also insisted that I meet him. We become good friends, and he soon proposed to me. However, I told him that I am okay with dating only if he plans to get married. We both discussed it with our families, and luckily, things were quite steady for us. They happily agreed. We plan to get engaged very soon, and marriage will take place next year,’’ Anjali told Tellychakkar.

Anjali had earlier shared a picture with Rajat on Twitter with the caption, ''Life line  #partners #bestfriends.''

Talking about ‘Main Bhi Ardhangini’, the show focuses on the story of Vaidehi (Aditi Rawat), Madhav (Avinash Sachdev) and Chitra (Anjali Priya). After Chitra’s tragic death, Madhav becomes shattered and it is Vaidehi, who decides to bring back happiness in his life. Even after her death, Chitra wants to shield Madhav from all sources of evil. Their eternal love forms the crux of the story.

The show also stars Deepshikha Nagpal in a key role.

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