TV actress Pooja Ghai, seen in shows like 'Kutumb', 'Kabhi Aaye Na Judaai', 'Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi', 'Hatim' among others, is beaming with joy these days. The actress, who was also a part of Imran Khan & Sonam Kapoor starrer 'I Hate Luv Storys', tied the knot with long time beau Nowshir Engineer on 7th July. Today (7th August), the newly-married couple is celebrating their one month anniversary. On the special occasion, Pooja took to her social media account and posted a romantic picture with hubby.

In the picture posted by Pooja Ghai on her Instagram account, hubby Nowshir can be seen kissing on her cheek whereas she is all smiles. The picture has been captioned as, "and it’s been a month already"

Take a look at her post below:

Apart from this, Pooja has posted few more pictures with the same caption in which she's posing with hubby Nowshir. Check out the picture below:

On a related note, Nowshir is an entrepreneur by profession and he dated Pooja Ghai for a long time before getting married. He also shares a great bond with Pooja's son Raaj.

For the uninitiated, Pooja Ghai was earlier married to Niraj Rawal & Raaj is their son. The couple got divorced in 2007 but their son Raaj reunited them and they got re-married in the year 2010 only to part ways again. Pooja has now found her 'Mr. Right' in Nowshir Engineer and they are in a happy space now.

On the career front, Pooja is known for playing the role of Daksha's (Ketki Dave) daughter & Chirag's (Hussain Kuwajerwala) sister 'Suhasi' in 'Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi' and is away from small-screen since a long time now.

Heartiest congratulations to the couple!