New Delhi: Zee TV’s popular show ‘Kumkum Bhagya’ has been entertaining the viewers with drama-packed episodes for the past four-and-a-half years now. The daily soap starring Sriti Jha and Shabir Ahluwalia recently took a generation leap and introduced Abhi & Pragya’s twin daughters Prachi and Rhea. Mugdha Chapekar and Naina Singh are playing the respective characters of Prachi and Rhea. Ardent fans of the show were upset as they didn’t wish to see their favorite actors Sriti and Shabir play parents to grown-ups.

As per the latest buzz, the makers are planning to bring back Abhi and Pragya’s first daughter Kiara. A report in an entertainment portal suggested that Sriti Jha will play a double role in the show and essay the character of Kiara. Yes, you read that right.

There is a possibility of Sriti playing a double role of Pragya and Kiara, the report in IWMBuzz said.

According to the report, the makers are working on a plot of getting Kiara back on ‘Kumkum Bhagya’. Kiara’s entry is expected to add more twist to the story line. Sriti already has played the role of her look-alike Munni in the show.

Interestingly, actresses like Drashti Dhami, Tina Datta, Surbhi Jyoti, Shivangi Joshi and Ankita Lokhande have played double roles in their respective shows.

‘Kumkum Bhagya’ will soon complete five successful years on April 15, 2019. The show is doing quite well in terms of TRPs and it bagged the number seventh spot in week 13 of the BARC TRP ratings.

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