New Delhi: Very popular show of Sony Television, ‘Kuch Rang Pyar Ke Aise Bhi’ is all set for a new benchmark. Show is receiving all love and appreciation for its plot and Dev and Sonakshi’s chemistry. Now the show is ready with a new record as it will be aired in Indonesia on the channel ANTV. Show will be in their local language, Bahasa Indonesia.

The lead actress Sonakshi aka Erica Fernandez shared this news on her Instagram account and also posted the trailer of the show, which is in the Indonesian language. Actress captioned the video “Coming soon ???? on antv #indonesia super excited !!”

Show’s name would be ‘Cinta Perlahan Tumbuh’ and also this is not the first show which will be aired in Indonesia, shows like Balika Vadhu,Meri Ashqiui Tumse Hi and Maharana Pratap are also aired on ANTV channel.