New Delhi: The love saga of Dev and Sonakshi is on the edge today. Sony Entertainment Television’s show ‘Kuch Rang Pyar Ke Aise Bhi’ will broadcast its special Mahaepisode today. This episode will decide the fate of Dev and Sonakshi’s love story.
There are so many questions arising in our mind. In this episode, audience will see a different Dev, one they have never seen. As Sonakshi has invited him to her engagement ceremony, so he decides to go, against her mother’s will.
Dev, who is usually calm and composed will get drunk. As he enters the ceremonial place , everyone gets shocked and specially Sonakshi. Episode will also show that Dev is helpless, but has also realized that he cannot loose Sonakshi. Will he be able to stop Sonakshi’s engagement or will stand on his previous decision?
While talking to an entertainment portal, Dev said “Show is at a very interesting point where Dev and Sonakshi’s lives are about to change. Mahaepisode will showcase new side of Dev and he is ready to take action as he sees Sona slipping away from his life.”
So what you guys think, what should Dev do?