Remember Ekta Kapoor's epic pair of her hit Sony Tv show Kkusum? We are talking about actress Nausheen Ali Sardar and her co-star Anuj Saxena whol played the role of Kusum Deshmukh and Abhay Kapoor respectively in the popular show. The onscreen couple is regarded as one of the hit pairs of Indian television and had a huge fan following back in 2001 when the show started. The actors who were lauded for their chemistry in the show recently had a reunion 13 years since their daily soap went off-air and no wonder the duo still share the same equation.

Nausheen Ali Sardar and Anuj Saxena in Kksum

Actress Nausheen Ali Sardar took to her Instagram page to share the beautiful pics of the onscreen couple along with friends chilling together. The two actors reunited after long and will surely make you nostalgic! Take a look:

Nausheen Ali Sardar and her co-star Anuj Saxena played the role of Kusum Deshmukh and Abhay Kapoor

It was a perfect Kkusum reunion as actress Rucha Gujarati who played, Nausheena and Anuj's onscreen daughter Kali was also present and she too shared some pics on her social media page:

We so want them to come together on screen after seeing this!