TV actress Pankhuri Awasthy, who was last seen playing 'Amala' in 'Star Plus' show 'Kya Qusoor Hai Amala Ka', tied the knot with actor-beau Gautam Rode in a grand ceremony on 5th February. Ever since then, the couple is enjoying the marital bliss & is spending time with each other. Now according to the latest buzz, the newly-married actress Pankhuri is all set to be back on TV. Yes, you read that right! Reportedly, Pankhuri has bagged her first project after wedding.

Pankhuri & Gautam's wedding pic (Photo: Instagram)

'Colors' channel will soon be rolling a horror show titled 'Khauff' which will be an episodic series. And, the latest reports suggest that, Pankhuri will be a part of the second episode co-starring 'Kaisi Yeh Yaariaan' & 'Splitsvilla' fame actor Abhishek Malik.

PICS: Newly-married actress Pankhuri Awasthy celebrates birthday with hubby Gautam Rode!

According to Tellychakkar, "The second episode of the show, Khauff, will showcase a love story of a Bengali boy named ‘Partho’. Abhishek Malik is essaying the role of Partho while Pankhuri Awasthi will be seen as his love interest but with a twist. The episodic will feature Pankhuri in a double role- Pauloma and Anwesha."

Abhishek Malik (Photo: Instagram)

Pankhuri confirmed the news to the same portal and said, “Yes, I am doing the episodic and it’s the first time that I am playing a role in a horror series and that too of a double role.

On the career front, Pankhuri has been a part of various popular shows like 'Yeh Hai Aashiqui', 'MTV Fanaah', 'Suryaputra Karan' among others & became a household name after 'Kya Qusoor..' show.

PICS: Newly wedded Pankhuri Awasthy flaunts chooda in gym with hubby Gautam Rode during Honeymoon in Kerala!

Pankhuri Awasthy in ' Kya Kasoor Hai Amla Ka?' (Photo: Instagram)

She met Gautam while shooting for TV serial Suryaputra Karn and bonded well. Interestingly 40-year-old Gautam is around 15 years older to Pankhuri who is in her early twenties, however the huge age gap was never a hurdle between them & they are happily married now.

Coming back to Pankhuri's comeback, the news will surely make her fans happy! Are you excited to see her back on-screen? Do tell us in the comments section below!