Hosted by Bollywood director Rohit Shetty, Colors' popular stunt-based reality show 'Khatron Ke Khiladi' will be back on our TV screen next year in January in after Salman Khan's 'Bigg Boss 13'. Popular names like Karan Patel, Karishma Tanna, Adaa Khan, Amruta Khanvilkar, Dharmesh, Balraj Syal, RJ Mallishka, Shivin Narang, Tejasswi Prakash and Rani Chatterjee will be seen as contestants in 'KKK 10'. Show's shooting is currently going on in Bulgaria and the names of top 3 finalists are out now.

'Khatron Ke..' host Rohit Shetty (Photo: Web)

Reportedly, the top 4 contestants of 'Khatron Ke Khiladi 10' were Karishma Tanna, Karan Patel, Shivin Narang and Balraj Syal and one of them has now got eliminated leaving other three finalists in the competition.

Revealing the name of evicted contestant, a source told an entertainment portal that, "Shivin, who played pretty well in the show, has been eliminated leaving Karishma, Balraj and Karan in top 3. The contestants will return to India on the 9th of this month."

PICS: 'Khatron Ke Khiladi 10' Host Rohit Shetty Poses With Karishma Tanna, Karan Patel, Adaa Khan & Other Contestants

Karan Patel (Photo: Instagram)

Yes, the top three finalists are Karishma, Karan and Balraj. However, 'KKK 10' makers are yet to react on the same.

Karishma Tanna (Photo: Instagram)

Khatron Ke Khiladi 10: Karan Patel Enters Top 4; Wife Ankita Bhargava Posts Adorable Message! Karan Patel's actress-wife Ankita Bhargava posts an adorable picture wi

The channel reportedly wants Karishma Tanna to win the reality show. Speaking about the same, a source further told Pinkvilla that, "Tanna has been performing well on the show. She is one of the front runners for the show, given her popularity and also based on the way she tackled all the stunts."

Balraj Syal (Photo: Instagram)

It'll be interesting to see who will finally walk away with the winner's trophy of 'KKK 10' however the news of Karishma, Karan & Balraj being the three finalists will make their fans happy.

Stay tuned for more updates related to 'Khatron Ke Khiladi 10'.