New Delhi: Colors TV’s popular show ‘Naagin 3’ starring Surbhi Jyoti and Pearl V Puri will soon bid adieu to the viewers. The show is expected to be replaced by the second season of Ekta Kapoor’s ‘Kavach’. Speculations are rife that ‘Diya Aur Baati Hum’ fame actress Deepika Singh Goyal will play the lead role in the upcoming show. The actress is rumoured to make her comeback to the TV with ‘Kavach 2’.

2 years after giving birth to her first child, Popular TV actress bags lead role in 'Kavach' season 2?

Kavach (Photo: Web)

Yesterday, we informed you that 'Kehne Ko Humsafar Hain 2' actor Sayush Nayyar would play the negative lead in the show. However, as per the latest buzz, the makers of ‘Kavach 2’ have made some last minute changes and a popular TV actor will instead play the negative lead.

(Sayush Nayyar)

A report in an entertainment portal suggested that Vin Rana has been almost finalized to play the antagonist. The handsome actor is currently seen in Ekta Kapoor’s hit show ‘Kumkum Bhagya’ co-starring Sriti Jha and Shabir Ahluwalia. He plays the role of Purab in the Zee TV show.

If things get materialized, Vin will be seen in both ‘Kavach 2’ and ‘Kumkum Bhagya’, the report in Tellychakkar said.

The casting for the other actors of ‘Kavach 2’ is currently going on. The show will take away the weekend slot of ‘Naagin 3’ post the culmination of IPL 2019. The first season of the supernatural show featured Mona Singh and Vivek Dahiya in lead roles.

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