TV actor Parth Samthaan, who is currently winning hearts for his performance as the protagonist 'Anurag Basu' in Ekta Kapoor's hit Star Plus show 'Kasautii Zindagii Kay' co-starring Erica Fernandes and Hina Khan, is currently going through a tough phase in his personal life. Few days ago, Parth Smathaan's father Mr Lagathe passed away in Pune and the actor could only reach after his dad had breathed his last. As per the latest reports, Parth has re-started shooting for 'Kasautii...' after performing last rites of his father.
Erica-Parth in a still from 'Kasautii...' (Photo: Web)
According to an entertainment portal, "The Anurag Basu of Balaji's Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2 faced the cameras yesterday (21st April) at Killick Nixon (Chandivali), reporting for the 2 pm shift on time."
Speaking about the same, a source told SpotboyE that, "Parth was very sombre throughout the day, he was very close to his father and he might take time to come out of it."
For the uninitiated, Parth Samthaan was shooting for 'Kasautii Zindagii Kay' in Mumbai when he got to know about his father being hospitalized in a serious condition. The 'Kaisi Yeh Yaariaan' actor rushed to the hospital directly from shooting but he couldn't reach on time.
This is indeed a tough time for Parth Samthaan. Here's hoping that they gathers the strength to cope up with the loss.