Ekta Kapoor’s ‘Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2’ is all set to hit the airwaves on Star Plus from September 10. The romantic saga stars Erica Fernandes and Parth Samthaan in the respective roles of Prerna Sharma and Anurag Basu. The mystery of the actor playing Anurag in Kasautii 2 has finally ended as Parth was snapped while shooting for the show’s promo in Palghar railway station and the pictures from the location were leaked on social media. The pictures were enough to confirm that the ‘Kaisi Hai Yaariyan’ fame actor is playing the lead role in KZK 2.

Now a report in a leading daily has suggested that Parth along with Erica and Hina Khan (who is playing Komolika in Kasautii 2) will head to Kolkata later this month to start the shoot.

“Parth, with his onscreen parents Uday Tikekar and Shubhaavi Choksey, female leads Erica and Hina Khan who plays Komolika, will head to Kolkata for a week. The team has already started shooting the Mumbai portions last week at Killick Nixon studio,” a source told Mumbai Mirror.

(Source- Instagram)

Although, both Parth and Hina are tipped light about the show, the report suggested that the two will shoot for the upcoming daily in Kolkata.

Also Read- Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2: MEET the singer of the show's melodious title track

Fans have been eagerly waiting for the show ever since the first promo was shared by Ekta Kapoor on social media. The original drama featured Shweta Tiwari, Cezanne Khan, Urvashi Dholakia and Ronit Roy in lead roles and became an instant hit. It remains to be seen in KZK 2 will be able to replicate the success of the popular romantic saga.

Interestingly, Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan is rumoured to introduce the leads Prerna and Anurag in the show as the narrator.

Talking about the star cast of Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2, the makers have roped in Kali Prasad Mukherjee and Kanupriya Pandit to play Prerna’s parents while Sahil Anand will essay the role of Anurag’s brother-in-law.

Are you excited for Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2? Tell us in the comments section below.