Ekta’s Kapoor Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2 is one of the highly anticipated shows on the small screen. The romantic saga will hit the airwaves on Star Plus from September 10, replacing Har Shaakh Pe Ullu Baithaa Hai on the channel. KZK 2 will Erica and Parth Samthaan in the respective roles of Prerna Sharma and Anurag Basu. The suspense over the actor playing Anurag Basu has finally ended as Parth recently shot for a new promo of Kasautii 2. The Kaisi Hai Yaariyaan actor was spotted along with Erica at a railway station in Mumbai, making the fans excited.

The first promo of Kasautii Zindagii Kay’s reboot version gave a glimpse of Erica as Prerna. Kasautii’s title track ‘Chahat Ke Safar Mein’ was a massive hit with the fans and the makers reprised the same for the new season.

The title song of Kasautii reboot has managed to strike a chord with the audience and the credit for the same goes to the singer- Babul Supriyo. The popular singer, who crooned the original song, has lent his voice for the reprised version of ‘Chahat Ke Safar Mein’.

The channel airing the show has shared the making of the song on YouTube.

You can check it right here.

Interestingly, Balaji Telefilms had recorded several music tracks for Kasautii Zindagii Kay, which were instrumental in depicting Anurag and Prerna’s love story.

The star cast of Kasautii is getting bigger and better with each passing day as Antara Banerjee and Uday Tikekar have been roped in to play important roles in the show.

Bollywood’s Badshah Shah Rukh Khan is rumoured to introduce Erica and Parth as the narrator for the show.

Are you excited for Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2? Tell us in the comments section below.