Ekta Kapoor has unveiled the mind-blowing promo of Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2, making our Sunday quite better. Shah Rukh Khan introducing Parth Samthaa and Erica Fernandes as the new Anurag Basu and Prerna Sharma, was like icing on the cake. SRK gave us a small glimpse of the eternal love story of Anurag and Prerna. The introduction promo has received a massive response on social media and fans have literally gone gaga over Parth & Erica. Not only the fans even our small screen celebs have gone gaga over Kasautii reboot’s promo.

Several stars like Rashami Desai, Kratika Sengar, Krystle D'Souza, Sayantani Ghosh, Mrunal Thakur have given a thumbs up to the new promo and going by their comments, we believe even they are waiting for the show.

Erica Fernandes, who is playing the role of Prerna in Kasautii 2, commented on Ekta's post and wrote, '' doing the happy dance.'' Her happiness was visible on her comment and we hope she does full justice to her role.

Krystle D'Souza, who was rumoured to be playing Komolika in KZK 2, also had a special comment for the show. She wrote, ''OH MY GOD!!!! This is everything

Pooja Banerjee aka Parth Samthaan's sister Nivedita Basu in the show also dropped a comment on Ekta's post.

Divyanka Tripathi aka Ishita Bhalla of 'Yeh Hai Mohabbatein' loved the promo and wrote, '' Beauitful!!! Fragrance of love in every frame.''

Malini Kapoor, Sayantani Ghosh, Kratika Sengar and others also sent their warm wishes to the show.

Mrunal Thakur, who is making her Bollywood debut with 'Love Sonia' and 'Uttaran' fame actress Rashami Desai also sent their good wishes to KZK 2.

Dalljiet Kaur aka Karuna from 'Qayamat Ki Raat' said that she can't wait to see the love story.

Here’s the promo which is already trending as number one on Twitter.

Watch this space for more updates!