Kapil Sharma is all set to tie the knot with his long-time partner Ginni Chatrath on December 12. As soon as the news of Kapil’s wedding hit the internet, fans started showering the comedian with their warm wishes. The ‘King of Comedy’ took to Twitter and Instagram to share a picture and heartfelt post and for Ginni on her birthday. The ‘Firangi’ actor wrote a special note for the love of his life as she turned a year older on November 18.

The ace comedian thanked Ginni for standing by his side in every situation and for making him a better person.

“Thank u for always standing strong with me in every situation of life.,thank u for making me a better person.,thank u for ur unconditional love. Happy birthday @ChatrathGinni love u,’’ Kapil wrote on the micro-blogging site.

Check out the picture!

Kapil Sharma is all set to make his comeback to the small with the new season of ‘The Kapil Sharma Show’ on Sony TV. The ‘Kis Kisse Pyaar Karoon’ actor will be joined by Sumona Chakravarti, Kiku Sharda and Chandan Prabhakar in TKSS 2. Speculations are rife that Salman Khan, who is currently busy hosting Bigg Boss 12, will be producing the show for Kapil.

Sharma is expected to start shooting for the show from December 16, a report in a daily had earlier said.

(Source- web)

Kapil and Ginni will be getting hitched in a big fat Punjabi wedding on December 12. The wedding will be followed by a reception on December 14 in Amritsar.

Here's wishing Ginni Chatrath a very happy birthday!

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