New Delhi: Popular comedian Kapil Sharma and his wife Ginni Chatrath welcomed their first child on December 10, 2019. The couple is on cloud nine after the arrival of their daughter. ‘The Kapil Sharma Show’ host had announced the news of the birth of his daughter on social media. He tweeted, “Blessed to have a baby girl need ur blessings ???? love u all ❤️ jai mata di.”

Fans had flooded his Twitter account with congratulatory messages. Earlier in the day, Kapil Sharma’s fan club shared the first pictures of his newborn daughter on Twitter and Instagram. The pictures went viral on the internet in no time.

Kapil Sharma has finally shared the first pictures of his daughter on the occasion of Makar Sankranti 2020. The comedy king also revealed her name. Kapil and his wife have named their baby girl Anayra Sharma.  “Meet our piece of heart “Anayra Sharma” ❤️ ???? #gratitude,” the caption for the post read. Check it out!

Kapil can be seen holding his newborn daughter in his arms in one of the photos. We are sure the pictures will definitely make you say aww.

(Swipe to see the two pictures)

Several TV celebs including Ishita Dutta, Ravi Dubey, Mahhi Vij and Hina Khan commented on the post.

(Source- Instagram)

(Source- Instagram)

Kapil and Ginni tied the knot on December 12, 2018 in Amritsar in the presence of their loved ones.

Watch this space for more updates!