New Delhi: Ace comedian Kapil Sharma, who got married to his longtime girlfriend Ginni Chatrath on December 12 in Jalandhar, is all set to host another wedding reception in Delhi. After hosting a grand wedding reception in Mumbai for their industry friends, Kapil and Ginni will throw another bash for the political fraternity on February 2. The couple’s Mumbai reception was attended by the likes of Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone, Kartik Aaryan, Karan Johar and Kriti Sanon.

A picture of Kapil and Ginni’s wedding reception invitation card has been been making waves on social media. Check it out!

The ‘Firangi’ actor, who is currently entertaining the viewers with ‘The Kapil Sharma Show 2’, recently met PM Narendra Modi at the inauguration of India's first cinema museum in Mumbai. Kapil even said appreciated PM Modi’s sense of humour on Twitter. Check out the tweet!

PM Modi gave an interesting reply to Kapil Sharma on the micro-blogging. His tweet read, ‘’ When @KapilSharmaK9 appreciates somebody's humour, it sure makes that person happy and I am no exception. Thank you for the kind words Kapil.’’

It remains to be seen if PM Narendra Modi will attend Kapil and Ginni’s wedding reception or not.

Talking about Kapil, his show ‘TKSS 2’ is doing quite well on the TRP charts. The comedy show, which also stars Krushna Abhishek, Bharti Singh and Kiku Sharda, is giving other daily soaps a run for their money.

Watch this space for more updates!