The director of light-hearted show which has Faisal Rashid and Jhinal Belani in the leads faced an unwanted situation on the sets. Reportedly, Jhinal who is playing the role of Sonu in the daily soap was required to kiss her co-actor which she bluntly refused.
PC: Instagram/Life OK
As per the script, the lead couple had to kiss in the bathroom but Jhinal denied to do so stating that she is uncomfortable to do intimate scenes. The 'Har Mard Ka Dard' team tried their best to convince but all went in vain. The actress insisted that it is a family show and she was not informed about the bold content. Due to no-intimate-scene approach of Jhinal, the screenplay was changed.
The actress shed 12 kg for the Life OK show as before this she was shooting for a Gujarati movie, the script of which required her to gain weight. Makers roped in Jinal after watching her performance in her first Gujarati film “Polam Pol”. She was earlier seen in multiple advertisements and in Doordarshan show “Laaga Chunri Mai Daag”.
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