The third season of popular Star Plus show 'Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon', starring Barun Sobti in the lead, is one of the most-anticipated shows. The show is all set to go on-air soon & will feature 'Kasam: Tere Pyaar Ki' actress Shivani Tomar in the lead opposite Barun & the first look of the actress' character 'Chandni' is finally out.

Barun in the teaser of ‘IPKKND 3’

‘Chak De India’ actress joins the cast of 'Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 3'!

All excited for her upcoming show, Shivani has shared some first look pictures on her Facebook account with the caption, "#First look of Chandni

Here's the pictures:

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 3: Female fans DROOLING over Barun Sobti’s look; Check out wife’s REACTION!

Reportedly, Shivani will be seen as a very simple girl named 'Chandni' in the show & will be seen wearing cotton sarees & silver jewellary as per the demand of her character. Her character is indeed very different as she is not playing the regular girl-next-door but will be seen wearing simple sarees even before the marriage in the show.

Barun & Sanaya in 'Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon'

Sanaya Irani, who played Barun's love interest in the show's first season, was also seen in a simple look which later became quite a fashion statement among her fans. Apart from her acting & chemistry with Barun Sobti, Sanaya was also praised for her style in the much-loved show.

Here's hoping that Shivani will also create that same magic in the show!