New Delhi: Famous Star Plus show ‘Ishbaaz’ is currently going on a very mysterious track. As exclusively told you that Daksh will come back in the show and will kidnap Anika. This show has got fame very quickly and specially the actors of the show have got an overnight fame. Although Nakuul Mehta was already famous for his show ‘Pyar Ka Dard Hai Meetha Meetha Pyaara Pyaar’ but his Oberoi brothers, Kunal Jaisingh aka Omkara Singh Oberoi and Leenesh Mattoo aka Rudra Singh Oberoi have a good fan following now for their characters.
But we have some bad news for the fans of ‘Omru’. As per the report of a leading entertainment portal, Kunal and Leenesh have been ill from last week and are not shooting currently. Both of the actors are suffering from Dengue.
According to sources of the portal “Leenesh and Kunal have been in pretty bad shape post the diagnosis. Leenesh has been recuperating at home, while Kunal has been shifted to a hospital this morning.”
Mreenal Deshraj, who plays the role of their onscreen mother said “Yes, it is sad that the boys are down with dengue. Though I have not been able to go and meet them, I have been in constant touch. Both are really sick. We wish them a speedy recovery.”
Awwww! Kunal and Leenesh Get Well Soon!