Last week Surbhi along with her 'Ishqbaaaz' co-stars Shrenu Parikh, Mreenal Deshraj & Nehalaxmi Iyer had a blast in a gathering with friends and they had all met for the special screening of Shrenu's new show 'Ek Bhram Sarvagun Sampanna' that stars Zain Imam in male lead opposite her. The gang including Zain and 'Yuh Un Dinon Ki Baat Hai' lead actor Randeep Rai was spotted inside the hall watching the show together and Surbhi's rumored businessman boyfriend Karan Sharma was also keeping her company. The two alleged love birds were seated beside each other. The picture and videos from the party are being circulated by fans on social media.
On April 21st, from the screening to the dining, Karan was with Surbhi throughout. He was also spotted in Mreenal's Instagram story.
Check out more pics below:
(Karan is seen hiding his face seated beside Surbhi in the back)
Surbhi Chadna's rumored boyfriend Karan Sharma spotted partying with her and friends during 'Ek Bhram Sarvagun Sampanna' screening in Mumbai
From what he looked like 3 years ago, Karan has transformed a lot and sports a lower chin beard and has bulked up. Karan is also spotted at various other occasions with Surbhi. The duo spends a lot of quality time together alone and with friends. They may not have officially announced it yet, but here's a look at their pictures dated back in 2012 to the latest ones.
Check them all out below:
Surbhi Chandna and Karan Sharma in 2012
Surbhi Chandna and Karan Sharma
Surbhi Chandna and Karan Sharma a few years ago
Surbhi-Karan with a photographer friend during visit to London
Surbhi Chandna and rumored boyfriend Karan Sharma with their photographer friend and his wife in Mumbai
Surbhi Chandna and rumored boyfriend Karan Sharma with their photographer friend and his wife in Mumbai
On work front, Surbhi Chandna is rumored to be part of Sanjivani' remake and the shooting is set to start from May!
ALSO - 'Ishqbaaz' actress Surbhi Chandna shares cute videos of her parents dancing their heart out!