New Delhi: In the last one decade, controversial show Bigg Boss has definitely given us some controversial contestants. One of them is, Rahul Mahajan who is also son of former union cabinet minister, Pramod Mahajan. The big news is that Rahul got married for the third time in Bengaluru in a private ceremony.

Rahul Mahajan got married to model Natalya Ilina from Kazakhstan. As per news in TOI, ceremony took place at a temple in Malabar Hills. Rahul Mahajan was earlier married to Dimpy, who he met during a reality show.

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Rahul Mahajan married Dimpy Ganguly in a reality show in the year 2010 however the two got divorced five years later in 2015

Talking about his marriage, Rahul said, “I wanted to keep the marriage low-key. In fact, I didn’t want to talk about it for at least one year, as this is my third marriage and I don’t want people to start gossiping again. I was planning to inform everyone about it on my first wedding anniversary, but clearly, that did not happen.”

pic credit: Twitter

pic credit: Twitter

pic credit: Twitter

Speaking on his two failed marriages, Rahul told TOI, “My previous two marriages happened in a hurry. There was no time to think and though both Shweta and Dimpy are wonderful individuals, we were not not compatible. Over the last few years, I realised that I don’t want to be in a relationship for the sake of it. I don’t want to be with someone where there is no way forward. With Natalya, I discovered true companionship and also, there’s no room for long arguments or differences between us.”

Rahul Mahajan’s first marriage was with Shweta Singh who was pilot by profession.

He was seen in Bigg Boss season 2.

We wish a happy married life to Rahul and Natalya.