Popular TV actress Mahhi Vij, who welcomed her daughter on August 21 last year, penned a heartfelt note for all the pregnant ladies. The ‘Laagi Tujhse Lagan’ fame actress shared an adorable photo with her baby girl Tara Bhanushali and said that she is grateful that her daughter was born before the Coronavirus pandemic.
Mahhi further said that she is busy taking care of Tara and therefore, she doesn’t feel bored during the lockdown. The actress added that she and Jay are enjoying the quality time they are spending with their children.
“I am very grateful that Tara was born before this COVID 19 pandemic. Throughout the pregnancy I used to be so stressed out about every small thing. Also I appreciate all the pregnant women who have delivered or going to deliver, just know that you all are super strong.The year 2020 is going to be a memorable one for all the parents, to tell our kids how they were born and what the situations were when they were inside their mumma’s tummy! To all the brave women I wish each and everyone all the luck, love and happiness. And one positive thing about Covid 19 for us would be that we are so busy with Tara with playing and taking care of her that we don’t get bored at all unlike others. We are totally enjoying this quality time with our little one and all our loved ones.
#MotherhoodWithMahhi @tarajaymahhi #Motherhood #Blessed #Gratitude #Thankful #Pregnancy #MotherDaughter #MotherAndDaughter #Mother #Covid19 #LifeChanging #Tara #Parenthood #OurDaughter #DaughterLove @ijaybhanushali,” Mahhi wrote.
‘Bigg Boss 13’ contestant Arti Singh and ‘Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2’ actress Aamna Sharif dropped hearts emoji in the comments section.
(Source- Instagram)
Jay Bhanushali had earlier shared an adorable video when his daughter called him ‘Papa’ for the first time. The actor got all emotional and wrote, "She finally called me PAPA love you my princess love @taramahhi was waiting for this for a very long time."
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