New Delhi: Year 2016 is definitely the Wedding year as many Television couples have tied knot this year. After Divyanka Tripathi and Vivek Dahiya, Sambhavana Seth and Avinash Dwivedi, Sidhanth Karnick and Megha Gupta, now the recent one to walk down the aisle was Mayank Gandhi and Hunar Hale. Couple got married in Delhi on 28th august. We also showed you the exclusive pictures from their Wedding.

Now, Hunar and Mayank’s wedding video has been released by Luv Israni (Photorapher for their wedding) and it very simple yet impressive. In the video, Hunar’s mother talk about her childhood.

Also in the video, Hunar talks about Mayank, that how she fell for him and why he is the who completes her. Hunar looked gorgeous in mint green lehenga with pink embroidery, while Mayank looke elegant in white sherwani with pink turban.

Check out their Video: