New Delhi: 'Gangs Of Wasseypur' cast will soon be seen in the upcoming episode of 'The Kapil Show'. Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Pankaj Tripathu, Piyush Mishra, Zeishan Quadri, Huma Qureshi and the film's director Anurag Kashyap will all be seen as guests on the upcoming episode of 'The Kapil Sharma Show'. Makers of the show shared a new promo trailer in which the team of the show do perfect mimicry of all the actors who are present.

In the new show promo which was shared by the channel, we see two artists do an imitation of Nawazuddin's lines which are soon followed by those of Pankaj Tripathi leaving everyone in splits. When it came to Piyush Mishra, the mimicry was so on point that the audience burst out laughing.

Furthermore in the clip, Kapil Sharma asks Nawazuddin if he was scared to romance his co-star Huma Qureshi in 'Gangs of Wasseypur'. Without a second thought, the actor admitted, "ha, laga tha (yes, I was scared)" which made the entire house roar with laughter.

Besides, the cast of 'Gangs of Wasseypur', the cast of Anurag Kashyap's upcoming film 'Almost Pyaar With DJ Mohabbat' will also be seen in the weekend episode of The Kapil Sharma Show. Alaya F and Karan Mehta will be making their debut in the Kashyap school of films with their upcoming film.

Meanwhile, fans of 'Gangs of Wasseypur' are really excited to watch the cast of the show on 'The Kapil Sharma Show'. For those unaware, 'Gangs of Wasseypur' is an iconic cult favourite film which ushered in a new kind of filmmaking in Bollywood. Both parts of the film are available on Amazon Prime video.