New Delhi: TV actor Gaurav Khanna, who rose to fame with popular daily soap ‘Yeh Pyar Na Hoga Kam’ is all set to tie the knot with ladylove and actress Akanksha Chamola on Thursday.

Actress Puja Banerjee, who share a good bond with Gaurav has shared a picture from the 'Baraat' on social media. She was accompanied by rumoured beau Kunal Verma. Puja captioned the picture as,"Lo chali mai apne khanna ki baarat leke."



In an interview to a leading Tellyportal, Gaurav had earlier  revealed, “It is one of the funniest stories where we met at an audition and she did not recognise me. Of course, I am no Shah Rukh Khan, but being in television we are aware about other actors. However, apparently, Akanksha never even use to watch television before entering into the industry. So she wasn’t aware about anything.”

“She use to sweetly guide me about being an actor till I did not tell who I actually am (laughs). Then one thing led to other and things transpired. My friends from television also tell me that your love story will be an amazing storyline for a show actually,” Gaurav further added.

Congratulations Gaurav and Akanksha!