According to a reports, the 51-year-old Art director Nitin Kulkarni was given the task of designing a set of the 3-day fest that was held last year at the MMRDA grounds in BKC. The complainant has stated that he never received a copy of the agreement between him and the trust. Adding to this, he also said that the cheque given to him by the organisers bounced and that he was not paid what he was promised.
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Since Kiku Sharda is associated with the trust, his name has also been mentioned in the complaint by Nitin at Amboli police station.
Kiku, however, has denied being an active member of the organisation and said that the trust was only formed for the welfare of citizens and to promote art and culture. “I just attended the event like other celebrities did and I am not a member or a trustee of Mumbai Fest though my father is the secretary. My name has been dragged into this for no reason,” said Sharda.
Kiku’s father’s name has also been mentioned in the FIR copy filed by Kulkarni.
“The dispute arose between the two parties due to some miscommunication about the due amount. After receiving a complaint we have registered an FIR and our probe is on. We will verify the claims made by both sides,” said a police officer while talking to a leading daily.