New Delhi: Here is the another wedding of the wedding season. After Divyanka Tripathi-Vivek Dahiya, Sambahvana Seth-Avinash Dwivedi, Hunar Hale-Mayank Gandhi, Karan Sharma-Tiara Kar , Dheeraj Dhoopar-Vinny Arora, Deeya Chopra-Ritchie Mehta, another television couple to walk down the aisle is Aman Verma and Vandana Lalwani.
Yes! Tv actor, Host and ex-Bigg Boss contestant Aman Verma is all set get hitched within few days. As per report of an entertainment portal, Aman decided to not delay it further and hence finalised to get married in 14th December 2016. Aman and Vandana got engaged last year and their marriage was fixed in April. But the sudden death of actor’s father stalled their marriage. They had to wait for one year as their ritual ask them to do so.
Talking about this, Aman said that they were shocked at the time of his father's demise and hence decided to push the date of their marriage following Hindu rituals.
Congratulations to the couple.