New Delhi: TV actor and ex-Bigg Boss contestant Ajaz Khan was arrested on the wee hours on Sunday by Mumbai Police for allegedly sending obscene pictures to a model on whatsapp. Now, he has been granted bail by Mumbai Police. He has been fined rupees 10,000. Entertainment portal, has recorded a video of Ajaz Khan coming out of the Jail. When spotboye reporter asked what he has to say about the allegations he said “Our Law and Order gave bail to the one who is true.”
He also added “Jhoothe logon ka kuch hoga nahin.” When further asked that whether the allegation was true or not, he said ‘aap uski shakal dekh lijiye fir btaiyega ke allegation sahi tha ya nahi.”
As per the reports,25-year-old model Aishwarya Choubey lodged a complaint against him on Saturday in Malwani Police Station.