Ever since Sony TV's flagship show 'The Kapil Sharma Show' went downhill, the channel is trying its best to make a strong comeback on the TRP charts. While Amitabh Bachchan recently confirmed that he's coming back with his game show 'Kaun Banega Crorepati', the channel is very keen to bring back another hit show which is Salman Khan's 'Dus Ka Dum' . But since, Salman Khan is also hosting 'Bigg Boss 11', there are reports that the 'Tubelight' actor might get replaced on the Sony TV show.

Reportedly, another superstar might replace Salman Khan on the show & he's none other than Bollywood's very own 'Khiladi' Akshay Kumar.

Salman & Akshay in 'Tees Maar Khan'

Bigg Boss 11 PROMO: Host Salman Khan invites Indiawaale for auditions for the next season!

According to a leading daily,  "A battle between two superstars is playing out not at the box office this time, but on our drawing room’s TV sets. A big-ticket reality show might just have a major overhaul. Rumours abound that the channel involved might replace Salman Khan, the uber popular host of the show, with Akshay Kumar.This season, the channel is apparently looking for someone new. Moreover, the agency that handled Khan has now signed on Kumar.It seems it has brokered the deal and, if we heard right, a sweet contract for Kumar as well.

Salman Khan in 'Dus Ka Dum'

The Mumbai Mirror report further states that, "Akshay Kumar might host Dus Ka Dum as there are issues cropping with Salman’s remuneration and dates. So Sony is currently in a dilemma over the launch of Dus Ka Dum new season. Many names like Ranveer Singh were considered but it seems the channel has found the right face for Dus Ka Dum if Salman does not happen. In all probability, it could be Akshay Kumar if the deals falls in place."

IN PICS: You can’t miss Akshay Kumar & son Aarav Bhatia’s SWAG on the Airport as they leave for FAMILY VACATION!

Akshay Kumar

On the professional front, while Salman Khan is busy promoting his next film 'Tubelight', Akshay Kumar recently shared the latest posters of 'Toilet- Ek Prem Katha' & is all set to start the promotions of the film as well.

Salman Khan & Akshay Kumar have been friends since a long & have also worked together in some films like 'Mujhse Shaadi Karogi', 'Jaan-E-Mann', 'Fugly' among others. Also, Akshay Kumar is all set to star in a film to be produced by Salman Khan & Karan Johar. Though, nothing has been confirmed till now but if this news turns out to be true then it will surely be a great news for the fans of Akshay Kumar!