New Delhi: It’s time to send congratulatory messages to TV actress Pooja Sharma as she is pregnant with her second child. The ‘Ruk Jana Nahi’ fame actress announced her pregnancy on social media with a cute post. Pooja posted an adorable picture of her daughter Viyana on Instagram and shared the good news with her fans.

'Diya Aur Baati Hum' actress Pooja Sharma shares FIRST PICS of her baby girl & REVEALS her NAME 'Viyana'!

‘’One more to adore... Soon to be a family of four ❤️ #babyonboard #ourfamilyisgrowing #blessed,’’ the caption of the post read.

Pooja Sharma tied the knot with director Pushkar Pandit in 2016 and the couple welcomed their first child Viyana on August 16, 2017. Interestingly, Pushkar was the director of Pooja's debut show 'Ruk Jana Nahi'.

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Pushkar shared several pictures on Instagram while announcing the good news. In one of the pictures, Viyana can be seen kissing Pooja’s belly.

‘’Viyana has some big announcement to make ???? #babyonboard #onemoretoadore #blessedlife,’’ the caption of the post read.

(Swipe to see all the photos)

On the professional front, Pooja was last seen in ‘Diya Aur Baati Hum’ as Purvi. The actress was also part of ‘Tu Mera Hero’ on the same channel.

We extend our heartiest congratulations to both Pooja and Pushkar.

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