New Delhi: Popular TV couple Divyanka Tripathi and Vivek Dahiya often share cute videos on TikTok, making their fans go aww. The ‘Yeh Hai Mohabbatein’ stars have several followers on the video sharing platform. However, Vivek received flak on social media for using TikTok amid the  Coronavirus pandemic. Some fans slammed the ‘Kawach’ actor for being active on the platform which is ‘Made in China’.

Vivek Dahiya took to Instagram to share a long post and hit back at the people, who asked him to quit TikTok. He wrote, "When I was asked to ban/quit using #Tiktok because it’s “Made in China”. This note answers that and beyond. #Reflections #Perspectives #Mindsets #Psychology."

The 'Qayamat Ki Raat' actor said that TikTok makers are not responsible spreading the deadly virus.  He added one must spread positivity during such tough times.

"So the question today is if we should ban an application because it originated in the same part of the world where the virus came from i.e China. Interestingly, the virus does not discriminate and instead infects us all in the same way irrespective of our cast, creed, gender and race. For those suggesting we should ban made in China, remember – the mobile phone you use to express your thoughts about banning an app was also assembled in the same part of the worl so are 7 out of 10 products in every average household. China is branded the manufacture of the world, where we like it or not. I am pretty sure the founder of this app was not responsible for conspiring the Coronavirus," Vivek said in his statement.

Check out his full post here!

'Kasam Tere Pyaar Ki' actress Kratika Sengar recently quit the Chinese short-form video app as she felt it was spreading communal hate in the country.

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