New Delhi: Jasmin Bhasin starrer ‘Dil Toh Happy Hai Ji’ was launched with several expectations on January 15. The show replaced ‘Mariam Khan-Reporting Live’, which was not rating well on the TRP charts. Gul Khan after giving three back-to-back hits in the form of ‘Ishqbaaaz’, ‘Kulfi Kumar Bajewala’ and ‘Nazar’, brought ‘Dil Toh Happy Hai Ji’ on Star Plus. The show is doing average on the ratings front and the makers are trying hard to increase viewership.

The creative team of the show bumped off the character of Chintu (Aru K Verma) and kick-started the love story of Happy (Jasmin Bhasin) and Rocky (Ansh Bagri).

As per the latest buzz, the makers have roped in popular actor Rohit Purohit to play the role of a lawyer in ‘Dil Toh Happy Hai Ji’.

A report in an entertainment portal suggested that Rohit’s entry will bring a love triangle in the show.

Rohit Purohit, who was last seen in ‘Porus’, will play the role of a hotshot lawyer and his character will support Happy in achieving her dreams, as per the report in IWMBuzz.

Here’s the latest promo of the show!

Rohit Purohit recently tied the knot with his longtime girlfriend Sheena Bajaj in a traditional Hindu ceremony. The two lovebirds got married in the presence of their loved ones on January 22 in Jaipur.

PICS & VIDEOS: TV couple Sheena Bajaj & Rohit Purohit get married!

‘Dil Toh Happy Hai Ji’ will be Rohit’s first show after his wedding.

Watch this space for more updates!