New Delhi: Bani J  has just completed her Bigg Boss trip and is now chilling at home. Bani’s relationship with TV actor Yuvraj Thakur hit the headlines during her stay at the house, since then we were expecting them to catch up as soon as Bani gets out of controversial reality show. After emerging as the first-runner up of Bigg Boss 10, she was seen having lunch with her best buddy Gaurav Chopra but contrary to our expectations Bani did not met her supposed sweetheart.

This hinted at Bani & Yuvraj's souring relationship. Adding to it, Yuvraj posted a heartfelt message penned down by him on Instagram. Do the lines reflect his sentiments?

He wrote,“I sought myself in you only to find that how incomplete I am. So I kept seeking myself in you till the point where I completely lost myself into you and you completely gave away all of you.

But is it true?

That I never loved you?

I just sought myself in you,

If I loved, then it wouldn’t have been about ‘the seeking’ and it wouldn’t have been about me,

it wouldn’t have been about you either!

It would just be about love

No seeking, no me and no you!

Heart-rending, isn’t it?

During Bigg Boss 10, she was seen holding picture of herself with Yuvraj. She was also holding Yuvraj’s t-shirt in her lap while crying.

Yuvraj and Bani were gym buddies but soon their friendship turned into love. At beginning, Bani was reluctant to reveal anything about her boyfriend but later on she admitted that she is having someone special in her life.

On Yuvraj’s birthday and Bani was seen wearing his t-shirt in the house.