New Delhi: Salman Khan’s ‘Bigg Boss 13’ has hogged all the limelight after its grand-finale for not so good reasons. TV heartthrob Sidharth Shukla emerged as the winner of ‘BB 13’. However, his victory has been mired in controversy after a social media user alleged that both Sidharth and Asim received the same number of votes. Colors TV later issued an official statement and refuted all the claims made by the user, who said that she worked for the channel.

Several fans also expressed their disappointment with Sidharth Shukla’s win and called him a ‘fixed winner’ on Twitter.

WWE superstar John Cena had created a lot of buzz on social media when he posted photos of Asim Riaz twice on Instagram.

The 16-time WWE champion posted a cryptic post on his official Instagram handle, which made Asim Riaz’s fans wonder if he was objecting to Sidharth’s win in ‘Bigg Boss 13’.

Fans have flooded the comments section with their messages. Check out the post!

Talking about John Cena, he will be next seen in ‘Fast & Furious 9’. The WWE superstar is rumoured to face Elias at Wrestlemania 36.

Stay tuned for more updates!