2 months ago, the 'Daayan' actor Mohit Malhotra hit the headlines when his co-actress Tina Datta accused him of touching her inappropriately. Their & TV show was even going to go off-air reportedly for this reason and later the two "ironed out their differences". And now the same news surfaces with another actress making similar accusations against the actor. Priya Bathija, who joined 'Daayan' cast just a few months ago, a report claimed, has also apparently raised the same issue faced with co-actor Mohit.

Tina Dutta with Mohit Malhotra in 'Daayan' (Pic: Instagram)

It was reported that Priya who plays 'Asha' in 'Daayan', felt Mohit gets touchy-feely while shooting scenes that require physical proximity. It was also said that she had created a huge scene on the set and sat in the vanity van refusing to shoot with him. And the report added that Mohit even apologised to her saying it is just his overfriendliness!

Now both Priya and Mohit have reacted to this piece of news and denying it totally, the former told Spotboye: "Somebody is planting this story, deliberately. It is in very bad taste. If Mohit had got touchy-feely with me, I would've slapped him and not locked myself in vanity van! Mohit did not misbehave with me."

Reacting to the same, Mohit told the portal: "The story is completely false and baseless. I am sure if you speak to Priya she will say the same thing. We did not have any issues and the one which is being stated is completely out of question. I wish people notice our good work rather than count on random, baseless source-led stories".

When Tina Dutta had accused Mohit back in March 2019, she had said- "When we shoot a tv show there are lot of problems, big / small / ugly ... I have raised my issues (related to Mohit) with the production team and they have been very supportive. I am thrilled to work with balaji after many years. I leave the issues with them to sort .... thanks. (sic)" -reported Pinkvilla.

Mohit had then denied Tina's allegations and maintained that they share a cordial relationship.

Within days she retracted her allegations saying "Mohit and I have ironed out the differences. We have concluded to make a new start. I don't have any issues working with him. Our on-screen chemistry works for the show and (we) shall maintain a professional environment for the betterment of the show" in a statement. 

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However early this month a shocking development took place when it was reported that the two actors are not on talking terms anymore.

After Tina, the rerport claiming Priya Bathija also put the same allegations on Mohit, came as a shock but now the actress has cleared the air in this matter.

Priya was recently in news over her marriage falling apart. Priya, married to DJ Kawaljeet Saluja since May 22 hasn't been living with him for a year, we reported in the 3rd week of April. A week later Priya broke her silence and opening up on the matter she revealed that she even filed a police complaint against her husband Kawaljeet alleging domestic violence.