Mumbai: A sessions court here Friday denied bail to television actor Karan Oberoi, arrested on charges of raping and blackmailing a woman. Additional Sessions Judge S Baghele turned down the actor's bail plea. Oberoi, 40, who has acted in some television serials and appeared in commercials, was arrested earlier this month after the woman, who was in a relationship with him since 2016, lodged a complaint with Oshiwara police that he allegedly raped her on the pretext of marriage.
Oberai's lawyer, Dinesh Tiwari, said the allegations levelled by the woman were "false" and that they will apply for bail in the high court.
Karan Oberoi’s friend Pooja Bedi – Rape case against actor “fake”, hopeful of bail
The woman had also alleged that he shot some objectionable videos of her and demanded money from her while threatening to release the clips. PTI