The Television actress Roshni Chopra is blessed with a baby boy. The actress who is married to Siddharth Anand Kumar who is a director by profession revealed about her pregnancy a couple of months ago.

Roshni Chopra

As per the reports on Reality Post, The actress has had her second baby. The baby boy who was born on 14th August 2016 have been named Reyaan. Roshni's sister, Divya stated, ''Both mom and baby are doing well and the actress has come home from the hospital.''

Also: WATCH: Pregnant TV Actress Roshni Chopra’s Baby Shower

Roshni is best known for playing the role of Pia, the younger sister of protagonist Bani Walia(Prachi Shah) in Zee TV hit show ‘Kasamh Se’. Chopra gave birth to her first child, a son named Jaiveer on 5 November 2012. And now she is all set to welcome her second baby.