New Delhi: Recently, Kavita Kaushik, Panchi Bora, Shireena Sambyal, Navina Bole got hitched and new one to join the bandwagon is ex-roadies contestant Mohit Saggar and Roop Bhinder.

It was a traditional Punjabi wedding which was attended by Roadies judge Raghu Ram. Mohit was in the eighth season of Roadies but Roop came into Roadies in sixth season. Couple met few times and fell in love with each other.

In February, Mohit and Roop got engaged and they gave this happy news to their fans on Instagram. While posting a picture, Mohit wrote “And so he slipped the ring onto her finger, she knew she was the happiest girl alive!!”

Posting picture with Roop, Raghu wrote, “Can't believe how lovely this moment feels! I first saw this girl auditioning for The 1st Roadies Battleground! And now I'm here when she's embarking on a new phase of her life. The beautiful bride, Roop!! #RoadiesWedding”

Also sharing picture with Mohit, Raghu wrote on Instagram, “I have been in so many bizarre situations with @mohitsaggar & @suchit07 over the years! You all have loved watching them too. But this is up there with the most unexpected! 😄 All the best, Mohit!! #RoadiesWedding”

Congratulations to the couple.