New Delhi: Few days ago we told you that Star Plus show ‘Jaana Na Dil Se Door’ will go off air. The news was confirmed and will air its last episode on 30 June, and the cast will finish off the shoot by 25 June. Upcoming show Chakravyuh produced by Sanjot Kaur under the banner Rolling Pictures, will be replacing Jaana Na Dil Se Door.

Now we have sad news for the fans of Surbhi Jyoti and Shoaib Ibrahim. As per various reports, very soon ‘Koi Laut Ke Aaya Hai’ will go off air. According to news in an entertainment portal, show will get replaced by upcoming drama, ‘Aarambh’. It will go off-air on June 18.

Talking to India Forums, TV actor Shaleen Malhotra said, “Yes, that's what I have heard as well, but nothing is official yet."

It is also being said that now actors are shooting for the final episodes.

Show stars Surbhi Jyoti aka Geetanjali, Shoaib Ibrahim aka Abhimanyu and Sharad Kelkar aka Rishabh in the lead roles.