New Delhi: Many of the TV actress are making comeback on TV after many years, like Rakshanda Khan, Krystle D’Souza, Kishwer Merchantt, Drashti Dhami, Barkha Bisht. The recent one to join the bandwagon is Benaf Dadachanji aka Baby from Baa Bahu Aur Baby.
Actress is making a very grand return on Television with Sony TV’s show ‘Bandhe Ek Dori Se.’ Serial will have c and Niyati Fatani in the lead characters where as Benaf will play the role of another parallel lead.
Also Read: Remember ‘Baby’ From ‘Baa Bahu Aur Baby’, This Is How She Looks Like NOW!
Benaf’s role will be opposite Eijaz Khan. According to the sources of an entertainment portal, Benaf’s character will be Ex-lover of Mukhi aka Eijaz Khan. But due to family, Mukhi will get married to some other girl and Benaf also gets married to some other guy. But fate brings both of them together as they both end up staying in the same location.
Actress confirmed the news and said that it is a great opportunity for her to play the role of Saanvi. She also added that she is excited to work with Rahul Tewary and Saba Mumtaz (makers of the show).
Benaf’s character is negative in the show. Welcome again Baby!