Mumbai: Last evening at an event, Salman Khan launched Bigg Boss 11. The event was organised at an apartment complex in Andheri which was designed as the show’s theme this year- Padosi.

This is the 8th time that Salman is hosting this show. The show will start from October 1 and there is also news that the actor is charging 11 crore per episode.


While interacting with the media at the launch of the show, Salman was quizzed about him hosting his last season of the show. However the actor said, “We have been doing Bigg Boss for so many years. I have said it every year that next time I don’t want to do it. But, Colors just doesn’t agree to it. Colors is not leaving me because I bring the TRPs for them. And that is why somehow they trap me into this, and bring me back.” He was really in a fun mood.

But the actor didn’t forget to thank the show runners and the channel. “I also have a lot of fun. I started with 5 and come to 11. We have got to see that how long we can run the seasons and keep entertaining you,” Salman added.


This will be the 11th season of Bigg Boss which will have a mixture of commoners and celebrities. A few speculated celebrities who could join the show are Muslim model Halima Matlub, casting director Vikas Gupta,infamous cringe-pop singer Dhinchak Pooja, Youtuber Harsh Beniwal, Niti Taylor, Abrar Zahoor, Cezzane Khan, Nikitin Dheer and Pearl V Puri.

We will let you know about the confirmed list of participants soon!!!