New Delhi: Amid the nationwide lockdown, the cast of Colors TV's 'Choti Sarrdaarni' is doing their best to keep their fans entertained. The popular show stars Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia and Avinesh Rekhi in the respective roles of Meher and Sarabjit. While practicing social distancing, they have been sharing their quarantine diaries on-air through small vignettes. But given the limited resources, the artists are seeking help from their family members to help them capture the sequences. While Avinesh Rekhi’s wife and kids are making all the arrangements, Nimrit Kaur’s mother is learning nuances of shooting while little Param’s parents are helping him with his dialogues.

The scenes are being shot entirely from home and hence it is little challenging to execute. You need to make sure that there is decent lighting, the space is suitable, and the camera angle is precise. But I am glad that my family is supporting me especially my kids who are extremely curious and are learning the shooting techniques. While my wife handles the camera, my little munchkins ensure the setup is ready. With everyone's involvement, things are quite enjoyable,” Avinesh Rekhi said in a statement.

PICS: Choti Sarrdaarni Completes 200 Episodes, Cast Celebrates By Cutting Cake On Sets

Nimrit Kaur aka our very own Meher said, “I have great respect for our crew on sets who support us day in and day out to bring out the best. This lockdown has proved to be a great learning experience for me, and I have started valuing little things. As we are shooting from home, my mother has taken on multiple roles; she is handling the camera, helping with the setup, directing me and in all this also ensuring that I am well fed. She been a great support and is also learning something new in the process. We do have hiccups but together we manage and turn things around.”

Check out a snippet from the show!

Even when apart, the actors of the show are staying connected with the viewers to take away their quarantine blues.

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