New Delhi: Bigg Boss Tamil, the controversial reality programme hosted by Kamal Haasan, has ended with TV actress Archana Ravichandran taking home the trophy. Bigg Boss Tamil 7's second runner-up was Maya. The show's eclectic cast of characters came together in the Bigg Boss house when it premiered on October 1, 2023, with 18 original participants and five more "wild card" additions. 

Despite all the obstacles, Archana triumphed in the finale over opponents such as Maya, Mani, Vishnu, and Dinesh. She took home the winner's trophy, a cheque of Rs 50 lakhs as prize money, a Maruti Nexa Grand Vitara and a plot valued at Rs 15 lakh.

Featuring many dance routines, the game show's big finale was attended by a star-studded audience. Reunion performances and special visits by past finalists made the grand finale an entertainment spectacle. Unexpectedly, finalist Vishnu Vijay was the first person to be eliminated from Bigg Boss Tamil in the final round. 

VJ Archana discussed her win in an interview with Indian Express. “I planned only for two weeks. I didn’t plan for these many days. I was enjoying one day at a time. Since school days and college days, I never had anyone around. But after this show, when I look back, I see so many people. I never dreamt of this. Thanks to my family and Kamal sir. You have a part in this victory, sir, because I took you as a mentor. And to my fellow contestants for pushing me at every instant. Thank you everybody. I am speechless,” she said.

Kamal Haasan thanked home fans for their support and wished adieu, hinting at a Season 8 comeback.

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