Mumbai: Karan Johar’s ‘Bigg Boss OTT’ has managed to creates ripples on social media, courtesy its drama-packed episodes. The show has been making waves ever since it premiered on VOOT Select on August 8. The contestants are leaving no stone unturned to impress the viewers as they will decide their future on the show. Several former ‘Bigg Boss’ contestants including Kamya Panjabi and Shefali Bagga have also expressed their opinion on the show on Twitter. 

Kamya took to social media to give her two cents on the digital version of ‘Bigg Boss’. She mentioned Shilpa Shetty’s sister Shamita Shetty, who is participating in ‘Bigg Boss OTT’. Her tweet captured the attention of the netizens, who reminded her that Vikas Gupta, Rakhi Sawant and Arshi Khan also returned to ‘Bigg Boss 14’ despite being a part of earlier seasons. 

“Shamita Shetty was a part of #BB3 right? So this means #Biggboss is not once in a lifetime opportunity anymore, one can compete for the trophy again n again. Haven’t seen it yet but just a thought! Chalo bhai aaj se shuru karte hai,” the ‘Shakti-Astitva Ke Ehsaas Ki’ actress tweeted. 

‘Bigg Boss 13’ contestant Shefali Bagga said that as a viewer, she could see that Pratik Sehajpal and Divya Agarwal are dominating the game. She also called Shamita Shetty a ‘strong player’ while sharing her opinion on Twitter. 

“Haven’t seen much of #BiggBossOTT bt saw some part of weekend ka vaar because of #sidnaaz & could only see it’s a #PratikSehajpal & #DivyaAgrawal ‘s game. And of course, Shamita Shetty is a strong player. One thing about Neha Bhasin that she gets triggered very easily which is good for the show,” Shefali wrote on the micro-blogging site. 

On a related note, all the contestants of ‘Bigg Boss OTT’ have been nominated for elimination. Urfi Javed became the first contestant to get evicted from the show during the ‘Sunday Ka Vaar’ episode. 

'Bigg Boss OTT' features several known names like Shamita Shetty, Ridhima Pandit, Raqesh Bapat, Akshara Singh, Neha Bhasin and Milind Gaba.

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