New Delhi: 'Bigg Boss Kannada 10', hosted by Kichcha Sudeep, concluded with the grand finale on January 28. One of the contentious competitors, Karthik Mahesh, took home the trophy. The presenter declared that he would also receive an electric scooter, a new automobile, and a cash prize of Rs 50 lakh. As the first runner-up, Drone Prathap took home an electric scooter and a cash reward of Rs 10 lakh.

On January 28, the 'Bigg Boss Kannada 10' grand finale was held. Enthusiastic viewers and eliminated competitors were excitedly anticipating the announcement of the winner.

Karthik Mahesh and Drone Prathap, the finalists, were given a handshake by host Kichcha Sudeep. He also disclosed that a staggering Rs 2.98 crore were cast for the winner, after which he raised Karthik Mahesh's hand to declare him the victor.

Next, he was given an electric moped, a car, and a cheque for Rs 50 lakh by Kichcha Sudeep. He went on to say, "You will now be called Bigg Boss Kannada 10 winner, Karthik Mahesh."

Karthik Mahesh faced several challenges during his stint on the show. From being involved in conflicts and arguments, Mahesh defended himself fiercely in all situations. Karthik may not have won all the tasks during the show but he did show competitiveness and persistence.

Despite being on the downside over the final weeks, Karthik's overall performnace his fans' hearts and earned him a fan base which has led to his ultimate victory.

Kannada movie superstar Kiccha Sudeep also applauded Karthik's game plan and the way he played through teh season, praising his competitive spirit. 

Karthik, Prathap, and Angeetha Sringeri were the last three. Sangeetha was the only one of the three to be evicted, and she thanked everyone for their unwavering support along the way.

During the show, news was given about Karthik Mahesh and Sangeetha's equation. But during the game, their connection deteriorated.