New Delhi: Actor Ankita Lokhande took the decision to take part in Salman Khan's reality series Bigg Boss 17 alongside her spouse Vicky Jain. Though not for the intended reason, the couple quickly shot to fame this season. They have been spotted fighting regularly, and several videos from the Bigg Boss 17 live feed have made their way to the internet, showing Vicky constantly criticising Ankita in front of the other members.
Salman Khan also confronted Ankita Lokhande and Vicky Jain, the couple who had been fighting often in the house for the past two weeks. Vicky becomes annoyed explaining that he is trying his hardest to win the game, while Ankita constantly argues that she does not spend enough time with her husband.
As per a new tweet, Vicky told Ankita, “Zindagi mai mujhe tu kuch de toh paayi nhi atleast mujhe peace of mind hi de do (You could never give me anything in life, at least give me some peace of mind).”
Here is what netizens are saying:
The current contestants of 'Bigg Boss 17' are Jigna Vora, Sana Raees Khan, Anurag Dobhal, Munawar Faruqui, Ankita Lokhande and Vicky Jain, Navid Sole, Neil Bhatt, Aishwarya Sharma, Abhishek Kumar, Isha Malviya, Rinku Dhawan, Arun Mashettey, Sunny Arya, Firoza Khan, Soniya Bansal, and Mannara Chopra.
ALSO READ: Bigg Boss 17 Live: Ankita Lokhande Feels She Is Losing Her Husband Vicky Jain