Mumbai: Salman Khan’s ‘Bigg Boss 15’ has managed to keep the viewers engaged, courtesy its entertaining episodes. The contestants of the show are leaving no stone unturned to win the tasks, resulting in major inside the ‘BB 15’ house. Umar Riaz and Simba Nagpal trended on social media after they got engaged in a physical fight during a task. Riaz even accused Simba of saying that he looked like a ‘terrorist’ while performing the task. 

Several fans and celebs expressed their displeasure over Simba’s actions and asked the makers to evict it. Amid the non-stop drama in the show, the contestants battled it out to become the next captain of the ‘BB 15’ house. 

If social media handle ‘Bigg Boss Tak’ is to believed, Umar Riaz has become the new captain of the show. He will be saved from the nominations for the next week as the other contestants can’t nominate him for eviction. 

Umar’s younger brother Asim Riaz congratulated him after he won the captaincy task. The ‘Bigg Boss 13’ first runner-up shared a post on his Instagram story on Wednesday (November 3). 

Asim had extended support to Umar after Simba passed distasteful remarks against him. He wrote, "It will hurt @realumarriaz It will take time, It will require dedication. It will require will power. You will need to make healthy decisions. You will have to sacrifice,You will have to push your body to the max but I promise you this, when u reach your goal,It will be worth it." 

Umar's father shared a series of tweets after the clip from 'Bigg Boss 15' featuring Simba and Umar went viral on social media. He said that he is waiting to see how Salman Khan will react to Simba Nagpal's actions.

"I think silence of @ColorsTV  #Biggboss15 against Simba speaks that they will put an excuse that this push was during execution of task so demands no action but still waiting how @BeingSalmanKhan will name & shame Simba for his inappropriate islamophobia remarks & his push," Riaz Ahmed Chaudhary wrote on the micro-blogging site.

On a related note, two wildcard contestants are expected to enter the 'Bigg Boss 15' house soon. It remains to be seen how the dynamics will change post the entry of the wildcards.

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